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Saturday, 10 December 2016

Detached Pages (poem)


a poem

Pages Poem Detached Breakup Love Divorce Heart
Image source: gettyimages.com

And the pages of the book are finally detached,

The book is finally unbound – as was suspected,

The thread and adhesion have all rotten,

But the way it is torn was unexpected.

The separated pages are hopelessly wandering,

To find some place to get a life.

No one is present in the farms of heart,

For the full-grown crops in the core to ripe?

Oh! Wind, do not blow with such a pace,

For you will haul these couple of pages far away,

In different directions you’ll take them,

Let there be in hearts, hope for some day.

With the help of hope-giving rays and gentle breezes,

What more inoffensive can I say? The nature teases!

And the ruthless wind makes some pages drift again,

Torn pages now want to be manuscript again.


How was the poem? Please give your feedback in comment below. It will help me improve my writing. Thanks for reading.



glowofangelscharm.wordpress.com said...

It lead my mind to wander in imagination created by ur verses. It was lovely��.

Asif Uzzaman said...

Thank you Chaste.

Unknown said...

I like your poem keep up the good work:)

Asif Uzzaman said...

Thank you Ryan. I'm glad that you like my poems. Keep reading.

Anupam Patra said...

Ah. As a poet yourself, you'll know what it takes to elicit that sigh. Your poem did it for me.

Asif Uzzaman said...

Glad that my poem touched you. Thanks for reading. Thank you.
Keep reading my other works as well!