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Wednesday, 25 January 2017

4 Reasons You Should Stop Reading Novels

Why You Should Stop Reading Novels

You must be perplexed to find an article with such a title coming from me, but once you read it till the end, you will know what I am saying and why I am saying this. I know you have previously read many of my poems and stories and also know that I am writing a novel myself. You must also have read my article, 5 REASONS EVERYONE SHOULD READ NOVELS. And therefore, you are finding it difficult to stomach this one. But before you turn furious at me or begin making any assumption on my future plans, read my arguments below. You should really stop reading novels. . .

1.    Because It Wastes A Lot of Time

You know it already. Don’t you? Reading novels takes up so much time that many a times it gets your routine off track and forces you to give less importance to things which you need to do. When you get addicted to reading novels, you keep reading it even when your teacher is teaching something very important in class, or you have with you a lot of pending work in office. So, reading novels undoubtedly is making you less fruitful and consuming a lot of time of yours. 

2.    Because It Is Making You Look Stupid

No matter how much you are addicted towards reading novels, you always see this backdrop in front of your eyes. You don’t like it when people give you dagger looks because you read a lot. You hate it when somebody at home tells you to read school textbooks instead of novels. But, have you ever pondered over their words. Don’t you think what they say is for your good only? Reading novels is making you look like you are an unfriendly person whose IQ level is below the poverty line.

Novel Reading Harry Potter Chetan Bhagat Savi Sharma Amish Tripathi Shiva Trilogy
Image Source: Booktrib

3.    Because It Is Eating Up Your Pocket Money

This is also one reason that you knew already. You secretly hate it when you see your non-novel-reading friends getting what they want from the market and you have to think a million times before buying a bar of chocolate because you have spent all your money yesterday on buying a boxed set of Harry Potter series or Agatha Christie books.

4.    Because Someone Is Telling You On The Internet

You should really quit reading novels because I am telling you to. Won’t you?
Sorry for the trouble, but I was just messing up with you. If any of the above reasons really convinced you to stop reading novels, then probably you should stop today. But if you successfully crossed all three above hurdles with your determination that you are not going to stop reading, you are on my side. 
Image source: Laurelyn E. Estes - Wordpress
I am an avid reader myself and promote reading. Go grab a copy of whatever novel you feel like today! And do not give a damn to your pocket money—you can fill it up again if you know how to juggle between reading novels and making money. Also, nobody finds a reader stupid. Some people may only find it unique how someone can read all the time, but that is because they do not have tasted the fruit. Keep reading, because it widens your vista; because reading fills us with positivity; and because there is no negative impacts of reading.
Happy reading!

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