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Sunday, 13 December 2015

Dream Dawn (a poem)

When the Sun Begins to Rise

Birds depart from trees,
Fly with gentle breeze,
To fetch back some food for hungry her young one lies,
When the sun begins to rise.

Children are not yet awake,
Father in hands a shovel takes,
To go to his farm to work while the mother meals fries,
When the sun begins to rise.

Enthusiasm is granted,
To those who truly want it,
Breeze carries waves of hope and despair everyday dies,
When the sun begins to rise.

The village has become bright now,
The horizon is within sight now,
The grateful hurries for prayer, for fading dark the Satan cries,
When the sun begins to rise.

© Asif Uzzaman

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Night at the Mermaids' Pond (a poem of childhood fantasy) by Asif Uzzaman

The moon was shining, sky was bright,
I was seeing the sight, it was midnight.

The flow of the pond slows down,
I hear a voice singing a song.

I threw a stone into the pond,
A sweet shriek then echoed around.

"How sweet a voice it is!" I thought in my mind,
Suddenly mermaids jumped out - of many kind.

Some were red, some pink and some brown,
Yes, yes, to see them I am first in the town.

They swam round and round around,
Making a soothing sweet sound.

They bade goodnight and went down,
This was the night at mermaids' pond.

- Asif Uzzaman

Monday, 23 November 2015

Veiled Wails (a poem)

(here are the first three stanzas of my poem Veiled Wails from the book Lifenama - a poetic journey)

Once upon in an autumn morning,
Whilst I sat on my terrace pondering,
Of the sparrow that kept on wandering,
Wandering above me in the air,
"Where has it come from?" I wondered,
"Sparrows now are so rare."
And the bird said, "no one cares."

I kept looking at it without blinking,
Deep into its eyes entering,
Fell into my thoughts thinking,
Sinking in its pleading stare,
"Oh Lord! Save thy bird," I said my prayer,
And the Bird said, "no one cares."

Once my dearie bird it was,
I recalled my childhood days of past,
Drops of tear blurred my glass,
Alas! Sparrows have become so rare.
"Which forest you live in?" I asked.
"Where are your friends my dear?"
And the bird said, "no one cares."
 -Asif Uzzaman