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Monday, 23 November 2015

Veiled Wails (a poem)

(here are the first three stanzas of my poem Veiled Wails from the book Lifenama - a poetic journey)

Once upon in an autumn morning,
Whilst I sat on my terrace pondering,
Of the sparrow that kept on wandering,
Wandering above me in the air,
"Where has it come from?" I wondered,
"Sparrows now are so rare."
And the bird said, "no one cares."

I kept looking at it without blinking,
Deep into its eyes entering,
Fell into my thoughts thinking,
Sinking in its pleading stare,
"Oh Lord! Save thy bird," I said my prayer,
And the Bird said, "no one cares."

Once my dearie bird it was,
I recalled my childhood days of past,
Drops of tear blurred my glass,
Alas! Sparrows have become so rare.
"Which forest you live in?" I asked.
"Where are your friends my dear?"
And the bird said, "no one cares."
 -Asif Uzzaman


Unknown said...

Top notch.
Waiting to see the rest.

Asif Uzzaman said...

Thanks a lot. Keep supporting. :)
Will post the rest part soon.

Gunjesh Bond said...

Painful but true.

Asif Uzzaman said...

That's the pity.

Ashwin said...

Nice poem.